About this Blog
Well it’s simple:

Pict: Unknown) (Foto: Unknown)
If you have anything to do with slacklining and berlin and want to write about it, you’re welcome to join us! (Just contact one of the admins)
If you had a nice day slacklining (or a bad one) .. and maybe have a foto about it .. on a nice location .. and with you in the background (!) doing some little backflip or something .. I think it’s worth a post!! – Well, you get the point: We’ll more likely have few posts in the future then too many. And it’s such a nice motivation to see that others are active.
I plan to make some posts in english, because I know some peoples that do not properly speak german (Dan for example ;)) .. Also think about the slackliners from norwegian (http://www.slakkline.no/ ), france (http://www.slack.fr ) and the US to read up our posts one day! .. Still I hope we’ll have many pictures, that speak for themselfes.
Deutsch ist natürlich auch OK, bevor wir uns irgendwie selbst nicht so richtig verstehen, vor lauter Globalisierung .. (Shure Dan will post in german .. no matter what :) !!)

Pict: Unknown) (Foto: Unknown)
If you have anything to do with slacklining and berlin and want to write about it, you’re welcome to join us! (Just contact one of the admins)
If you had a nice day slacklining (or a bad one) .. and maybe have a foto about it .. on a nice location .. and with you in the background (!) doing some little backflip or something .. I think it’s worth a post!! – Well, you get the point: We’ll more likely have few posts in the future then too many. And it’s such a nice motivation to see that others are active.
I plan to make some posts in english, because I know some peoples that do not properly speak german (Dan for example ;)) .. Also think about the slackliners from norwegian (http://www.slakkline.no/ ), france (http://www.slack.fr ) and the US to read up our posts one day! .. Still I hope we’ll have many pictures, that speak for themselfes.
Deutsch ist natürlich auch OK, bevor wir uns irgendwie selbst nicht so richtig verstehen, vor lauter Globalisierung .. (Shure Dan will post in german .. no matter what :) !!)
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