Slackline Berlin

24 November 2006

Indoor Highline

Our first highline and the next best slackline so far! (16 meters long, 6 meters up - in the T-Hall Berlin (

It's like a metaphor on how we attempt (spatial) freedom: You fear it, you discover it, get used to it, love it, never want to loose it again! - What a poor experience to step on a normal slackline afterwards!

  • About "Fear": Not this time! We were too excited!
  • About "Discover it": Undeniably it's new! You still know how to slackline but you kind of start it all over again.
  • About "Get used to it": You feel no longer attached to the ground. The slackline appears to be insignificant. - You learn the space under you!
  • About "Love it": I now see (potential) highlines everywhere!
  • About "Never want to loose it again": No, we did not marry! But this one is going to become a permanent feature of the T-Hall!!

What an impressive way to be proven wrong(!): The first Berlin highline contest got won by a woman! Chris has a unique style: Her arms straight, moving quickly! She's from Halle and we're planning to set up a highline together in Löbejün next summer (June 23/24)!

And so many new ..

.. talents all over!

05 November 2006

Video Snippets

.. found on Andys Digi-Cam. They are in no way special or anything, - just a glimpse ... Hope we'll have a proper one soon (..) Aaanndd .. as long as this one ( ) is online - they are not even the worst slackline videos on youtube!!


70 meters

70 meters

All in all .. this was the best so far! (Hey, we planned it since we started slacklining, right?)

It felt incredibly smooth and exciting to walk! Moving slow and forceful!
.. And the sun and the sand and the peoples .. I just loved it!


