Indoor Highline
Our first highline and the next best slackline so far! (16 meters long, 6 meters up - in the T-Hall Berlin (

It's like a metaphor on how we attempt (spatial) freedom: You fear it, you discover it, get used to it, love it, never want to loose it again! - What a poor experience to step on a normal slackline afterwards!

It's like a metaphor on how we attempt (spatial) freedom: You fear it, you discover it, get used to it, love it, never want to loose it again! - What a poor experience to step on a normal slackline afterwards!
- About "Fear": Not this time! We were too excited!
- About "Discover it": Undeniably it's new! You still know how to slackline but you kind of start it all over again.
- About "Get used to it": You feel no longer attached to the ground. The slackline appears to be insignificant. - You learn the space under you!
- About "Love it": I now see (potential) highlines everywhere!
- About "Never want to loose it again": No, we did not marry! But this one is going to become a permanent feature of the T-Hall!!
What an impressive way to be proven wrong(!): The first Berlin highline contest got won by a woman! Chris has a unique style: Her arms straight, moving quickly! She's from Halle and we're planning to set up a highline together in Löbejün next summer (June 23/24)!
And so many new ..
.. talents all over!
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