Ok, this is it! All in one photo!

We did not send it! Dan walked about 40 meters, me about 30.
I started up so energetic - bounced and walked a view steps and it felt soo much fun!!

Not sending the line was less a matter of accidental failures but more about the general lack of a walking style for such a distance. On the 41 meters, when I got into trouble I could still fight my way through. On the 56 meters today I frequently ran into trouble and thus after 20 to 25 meters I ran out of energy – mental and physical! It’s strange when you have passed the middle of the line and you realize that you will still not have a chance to make it! Sure I could have walked a few more steps – but your moves are not light and sensible any more – so they will cause you even greater trouble - which costs even more energy, etc. In that sense I felt like caught in there. - The eventual falls came as a relief!
I felt devastated by this monster! ;) .. I am still not over it! :))
It was inspiring to see Dan walking so effordlessly (compared to myself) today.

He is sliding with his foot forewards making long steps. He stays loose! Even when he falls it looks like he is intentionally stepping away from the line!
This picture will (in the not so distant future) turn out to have some hidden symbolism in itself.

Yet still the beachvolleyballers think this dint was made for them! ..
Here's the silver lining: I also felt overwelmed by the challenge when I first attempted 20 meters some weeks ago! And then saw ourselfs walking 30 meters happily just two weeks later. - Maybe we can still make the 70 meters this year!
Here’s the report of DamianC about his 94 Meters walk:
http://forum.slackline.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=297What do you think? (..)